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cardiac science powerheart g5 solutions


Having automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools is rare in the UK. Only a handful of schools nationwide have decided to implement a school defibrillator policy, but we think this needs to change. And fast.


At Cardiac Science we’re committed to raising awareness about the prevalence of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) among school students and staff. We also create AED solutions that provide cutting-edge therapy for SCA victims, are easy to use for rescuers of all skill levels, and conduct extensive self-tests every day to ensure they are Rescue Ready®. Every year in the UK, around 270 children die of sudden cardiac arrest at school. Our vision is that together we can strive toward making that number zero.


  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD) kills 150,000 people every year in the UK, and is responsible for more than a quarter of all deaths.

  • When a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) happens, the likelihood of surviving decreases by 10% with every minute that passes without defibrillation.

  • There is a 70% chance of survival if defibrillation happens within 3 minutes of the SCA. This increases to 90% if the heart is shocked within one minute of the SCA.

  • 75% of NHS ambulances arrive within 8 minutes.

  • Cardiac Science Powerheart® AEDs are easy to use – with one on hand, anyone can save a life.


We believe that the best AED for schools is the model that’s the easiest to use, and which conducts extensive self-tests every day to ensure it is rescue ready.


So for defibrillators in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges, we recommend the Powerheart® G5 AED:


  • Anyone can save a life â€“ Our RescueCoachâ„¢ voice prompts and handy text screen will provide instructions that anyone can follow, and prompts proceed at the rescuer’s pace.

  • You can’t shock a patient who doesn’t need defibrillation–Powerheart AEDs use a sophisticated algorithm called RhythmX to determine if the heart would benefit from receiving a shock. It won’t shock a patient whose heart is in a non-shockable rhythm.

  • Patented Rescue Ready® technology â€“ This carries out daily presence and functionality tests on the pads, battery, and internal circuitry, to ensure optimal readiness.

  • Customised shock power â€“ Using variable escalating energy and our STAR® biphasic software, the number and power of shocks will be tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

  • We’ll defend you when needed â€“ With a comprehensive indemnification policy covering anyone using the defibrillator, we always protect those who are willing to rescue others.

  • One of the longest warranties in the industry â€“ We provide an eight-year warranty on the AED and a four-year, full operational guarantee on the Intellisense® battery. This is more than just a standard battery warranty. If the battery becomes low at any time in a four year period—including if this is from being used in rescues—we will replace it. This ensures the user receives four years of service for the initial cost of the battery.

So far, there is no initiative to put defibrillators in schools UK-wide. And until there is an AED in schools law, it’s up to people like you to help protect students, staff and visitors from sudden cardiac arrest.




Tel. No:                (02) 7720 5286  /  (02) 7730 2791

Mobile No:          0917 651 5019

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                              Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, 1550, Philippines

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